In a statement provided exclusively to Breitbart News, GOP frontrunner Donald Trump responded to a remarkable poll, which showed that Republican voters prefer Trump’s immigration plan five times more than the plan of any other GOP candidate.

Trump said that the American people understand how his plan puts their interests first and how a sensible immigration policy is “critical” for the “well-being of our country.”

Trump said:

The American people and especially the voters in the Republican primary understand how critical my immigration plan is for the well-being of our country. My immigration plan ensures America’s prosperity, security, and sovereignty. That is why the Roll Call poll showed Republican primary voters approved my plan immigration plan over my rivals by a factor of 5.

While many in the establishment media may have been surprised by the finding that GOP voters—far and away—approve of Trump’s immigration plan, the poll’s findings should not come as a shock, as it is consistent will the vast majority of recent polling data. Polls shows that a majority of the overall public supports deportations. More than 9 in 10 GOP voters want future immigration levels cut. Kellyanne Conway’s the Polling Company similarly found that a plurality of voters want an immigration moratorium that would allow for wages to rise and immigrants already here to assimilate.

Trump’s position on immigration is the polar opposite position of donor-class favorite, Sen. Marco Rubio. Rubio’s so-called “comprehensive immigration” plan consisted of three elements: green cards—and therefore eventual citizenship, welfare, and voting privileges—for illegal immigrants; a large expansion in foreign worker admissions; and a huge increase in the permanent rate of annual immigration. Less than 7 percent of Republican voters, according to Pew, support Marco Rubio’s position of increasing immigration.