A McClatchy-Marist poll finds that 68 percent of Americans think Hillary Clinton did something either illegal or unethical in setting up a private email system to handle her government correspondence.

“The biggest bloc, 40 percent, say she acted unethically, though legally. That includes large numbers of Democrats and independents,” McClatchy News writes. “The second biggest, 28 percent, believe she did something illegal. The third, 27 percent, believe she did nothing wrong.”

McClatchy found a “surprising” number of Democrats and independents among those who thought Clinton’s email system was unethical – 40 percent of Democrats and 46 percent of independents, to be specific. Another surprising result was that younger voters, ages 18 to 29, comprised the largest demographic saying Clinton’s behavior was unethical, with fully 50 percent of them saying they think she did something wrong.

The partisan divide was much sharper among poll respondents who thought Clinton did something illegal. Some 56 percent of Republicans thought so, but only 6 percent of Democrats and 27 percent of independents.

Those results were largely mirrored among those who thought Clinton did nothing wrong at all: 49 percent of Democrats, 22 percent of independents, and only 9 percent of Republicans.

“Most likely to think she did nothing wrong: African-Americans, “strong” Democrats and liberals,” McClatchy observes.

Clinton did better on the question of whether the Benghazi incident should be further investigated… but not as well as Clinton stalwarts in the media were hoping for, after days of assuring their viewers the former Secretary of State hit a grand slam during her testimony before the House Benghazi Committee.

Almost half of poll respondents said Clinton had sufficiently answered questions about Benghazi, and 45 percent thought Republicans should continue investigating the matter. It’s notable that independents seem a bit dubious about Benghazi while Republicans and Democrats split strongly along partisan lines – only 46 percent of indies said they were satisfied with Clinton’s answers, and 48 percent thought the investigation should continue.