DES MOINES – The Hillary Clinton campaign is hammering rival Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders for keeping key details of his income tax plan secret from the voters, while the Sanders campaign is promising to reveal their plan soon.

Sanders said in Saturday’s Democratic presidential debate that his top income tax bracket will be less than the 90 percent rate imposed by Republican President Dwight Eisenhower in the 1950’s. However, he did not say what the rate would be.

Asked by Breitbart News in the post-debate Spin Room if Sanders should release his plan, Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta grinned.

“Well, he didn’t tonight, did he?” Podesta said of Sanders.

“They’re talking about the individual tax rates” Sanders campaign manager Jeff Weaver told Breitbart News, referring to the Clinton camp’s criticism of Sanders’ somewhat-secret tax plan. “But if you look at everything he has proposed,” most of the initiatives are theoretically paid for, including free college tuition, Weaver said.

Sanders adviser Tad Devine took it upon himself to promise Breitbart News that Sanders will release his income tax plan in full before the Iowa caucus.

“He will be. Before people vote he’s going to put out in detail” his tax plan, Devine said. “It’s not a piece of paper tax plan. He wants to make sure it’s costed.”

The head of the state’s Democratic Party, meanwhile, seemed confused as to why Sanders has not revealed his plan yet.

“Listening to him, it’s interesting he wouldn’t put a number on it, but people have different ways of doing it and he has his,” said Iowa Democratic Party chairwoman Dr. Andy McGuire.