One of the terrorists involved in the horrific attacks in Paris on Friday evening was reportedly rescued by Greek authorities from a refugee boat that sank off the coast of Greece last month.

The UK Mirror, citing Serbian and Greek media sources, says that 25-year-old Ahmed Almuhamed and another family member were rescued October 3. They were processed as refugees, but there had been no way to verify whether their identity documents were real. They were transferred to another vessel and continued their journey.

CNN reported Sunday morning on Fareed Zakaria: GPS that at least one, and as many as three, of the terrorists in the attacks reached Europe among the flood of Syrian “refugees.” CNN’s Clarissa Ward reported:

…it now appears that as many as three attackers possibly posed as refugees, gaining access into Europe on the refugee route going from Syria into Turkey, then on to the Greek island of Leros, and then from there on through countries–Serbia, Croatia and into Central Europe. It’s believed that at least one was traveling on what was most probably a fake Syrian passport but there’s also talk about two fake turkish passports–ISIS here really exploiting this refugee crisis.

Update: Breitbart News has reported that at least two terrorists are now confirmed to have entered Europe as “refugees.”

Many of the “refugees” are economic migrants leaving their families behind in refugee camps in Turkey and elsewhere, and many are from countries other than Syria. The attacks killed at least 129 people, including at least one American, and wounded hundreds more in several simultaneous attacks in the French capital.

On Sunday, President Barack Obama reaffirmed his commitment to accept Syrian refugees into the U.S. Estimates of the number of refugees vary, but could well exceed 100,000 over two years.