Tuesday on Fox News Channel’s “Fox & Friends,” former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin (R-AK) made an appearance to promote her new book, “Sweet Freedom: A Devotional.”

During that appearance, she was asked by co-host Brian Kilmeade whicih Democratic candidate she thought was the strongest on national security in the wake last week’s event in Paris. Palin declined to offer a name of any Democratic candidate.

“There isn’t a Democratic candidate that is strong enough for any of the people if our desire is to stay safe and sovereign,” Palin said. “Thankfully, we do have Republicans in that field who are hawkish enough at this time that –”

As for which Republican presidential candidate, Palin specifically named Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) and current party front-runner Donald Trump.

“Thankfully, Ted Cruz is extremely strong on this,” she added. “Donald Trump of course – he’s the one who will almost candidly tell you, ‘Let’s get in there and you know, bomb the [bleep], which I wrote a Christian book, so I’m able to …”

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