GOP presidential candidate Sen. Rick Santorum says President Barack Obama is “ignorant to the threat posed by radical Islam,” in response to Obama’s statement that Republicans are creating a “potent recruiting tool” for ISIL through their rhetoric.

“President Obama should be ashamed of himself, but sadly he is so ignorant to the threat posed by radical Islam that he doesn’t even have a clue how wrong he is,” Santorum challenged. “Radical Islam is not exploiting Republican rhetoric. Radical Islam IS at war with the West!”

Republicans – both on Captiol Hill and GOP presidential candidates – have been vocal about opposing Obama’s plan to accept tens of thousands of Syrian refugees, following reports that one of the terrorists from the attack in Paris was embedded through the refugee program.

“Christians are being beheaded and crucified by these savages,” Santorum said, “People of good conscience who want to protect Christians are not recruiting tools for ISIL. While I disagree that accepting Christian refugees is in the long-term security interest of the United States and long-term stability interest of the Middle East, the intent of those who do should never be vilified.”

Santorum said that Obama “fundamentally does not understand the motivations of this enemy.”

He does not understand that they hate us, not for what we do, but they hate us for who we are and what we stand for.  Radical Islam is intent on establishing a caliphate to spread their version of Islam, and in the case of Iran, developing a nuclear weapon to bring about the end of the World.

Santorum says Obama should get a grip on reality and stop blaming Israel, or people with compassion for those being persecuted and look in the mirror, warning:

Otherwise, Iran will continue on the path to a nuclear weapon to bring about the return of their 12th Iman. ISIS will continue to kill innocent civilians through coordinated attacks. And all of the western World will remain in danger from a threat that is real and present. May God have mercy on us if we do not elect a President prepared to defeat with this enemy.