Steven Spielberg has made billions off of his movies, including his recent box-office record-smashing summer blockbuster Jurassic World, which he helmed as executive producer.

But some of those millions have found their way into the Clintons’ campaign coffers over the years.

A new analysis of campaign records by the Washington Post shows that Steven Spielberg and his wife Kate Capshaw have donated an unprecedented $2.5 million to the Clintons over the years.

That number includes $468,000 to Bill Clinton and a cool $1.3 million to Hillary Clinton’s Senate and Presidential campaigns. According to the accounting, Spielberg has also donated over $1 million to the Clinton Foundation.

One million of the money donated to Hillary has been donated to her Super PAC, according to the FEC filing revealed in July. Spielberg also co-chaired a Hollywood fundraiser for Hillary in October 2014.

In 2008, Spielberg endorsed Hillary Clinton over Barack Obama in the controversial Democratic primary, calling her “the most qualified candidate to lead us from her first day in the White House.