Late Friday evening, Breitbart News published an item highlighting, in part, a Go Fund Me campaign started by Republican establishment political consultant Liz Mair–her goal being to target and take down Republican frontrunner Donald Trump. For some reason, Mair seems to have reconsidered her effort, and the campaign is now nowhere to be found at Go Fund Me.

Breitbart News reported:

True to form, her online fundraising to take down Trump appears to be losing, too. Exactly how much Mair can accomplish with, at this time, all of $356 to take on Trump, remains to be seen. But then, accomplishment doesn’t seem to be Mair’s middle name.

At 6:39 a.m., Mair took to Twitter, citing a sudden “development” resulting in her pulling down the campaign:

While we cannot know precisely what said development actually was at this time, we do know that the Breitbart News item in question has received tremendous attention, already amassing nearly 7,000 comments. We also reached out to several major GOP donors and received responses similar to one we can quote: they have “no idea who these two people are and would not give money to such a marginal effort.” The original item mentioned both Mair and GOP consultant Rick Wilson, who has his own less-than-stellar track record at this point.

According to last night’s Breitbart News item:

In its incredibly limited wisdom, the D.C.-based Republican Party establishment is declaring war on current GOP voter favorite Donald Trump, and it seems they’ve enlisted the help of at least a couple of Keystone Cops–consultants Liz Mair and Rick Wilson–in an effort to destroy their own front runner.

If Mair has indeed misfired with her latest effort, it would not be the first time she has done so in recent days. As The Daily Caller reported on November 3, Mair launched a mass email campaign targeting the wrong Congressman Sessions. At this point, “misfired” almost seems to be Ms. Mair’s middle name:

DC Flak Sends Out Hit … On Wrong Congressman

GOP operative Liz Mair blasted out an email hit on the wrong [C]ongressman Sessions Tuesday, sporting the all-caps subject line: “SESSIONS PUSHES TERRIBLE, ANTI-FREE MARKET SENATE BILL.”

Mair wrongly attributed the push to Republican Sen. Jeff Sessions, whose immigration views she recently used to denigrate Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker after he fired her from his presidential campaign.

“Wanted to make you aware that even as we speak, Sen. Jeff Sessions is trying to insert the ‘Delaney Amendment,’ an anti-free market amendment, into Senate legislation,” she wrote in the email.

According to that report, she never did correct her mistake at the time, so it seems reasonable to take any explanation she is offering now for her latest potential misfire with a very large grain of salt:

She has not issued a corrected statement, but told TheDCNF she notified those planning to write about her statement of the mix-up.

“I’m amazed a correction would not be sent out to everyone who received the email,” a GOP aide told TheDCNF. “This is a perfect illustration of why the permanent political class fails GOP voters.”

It’s almost as if failure and Mair go hand-in-hand at this point. Add to that a record of not taking full responsibility for missteps–from being summarily dismissed from a presidential campaign to errant email blasts–we’re publishing Mair’s two followup tweets from Saturday below, but, unfortunately, Breitbart News cannot speak to their veracity given recent history. For now, it is fair to say, Donald Trump is still up, and Ms. Mair’s fledgling fundraising campaign is down.

Perhaps she flushed it down the same memory hole as her recent grossly negligent email campaign cited above: