Jacob Marberger–the Washington College sophomore who was being sought by police after a series of events that included the display of an antique firearm–was found dead via a self-inflicted gunshot on Saturday.

Marberger was 19-years-old and police evaluations had determined he posed no threat to the campus. Nevertheless, classes on campus were cancelled as police and Marberger’s family urged him to turn himself in.

According to NBC Philadelphia, Marberger was allegedly pranked by fellow members of his fraternity in early October, when a trash can full of water that had been leaned against his door fell and flooded his room. About two days later an intoxicated Marberger “brandished” an antique firearm in front of “other students.” WBALTV reports that “authorities” said Marberger “did not [display the gun] in a threatening manner, but more as an act of bravado. [And] college officials said the gun was not loaded.”

Yet Marberger was suspended after police found “the antique weapon at a house off campus” about two weeks later. He was forced to undergo an evaluation to see if he was a threat, and was found to pose no threat. But upon returning to campus he was “kicked out of his fraternity, faced an Honor Board hearing and was confronted [November 15] by members of his student government group.” Marberger responded by resigning his position as “speaker of the [student] senate,” he then went to his parents’ home in the early hours of Monday morning, retrieved a rifle case and left.

His father feared the rifle case had a gun in it but continued to assure everyone that Marberger posed no threat to fellow students. But when surveillance video caught images of Marberger buying ammunition later that day, Washington College shut down classes pending Marbeger’s apprehension.

The San Diego Union-Tribune reports his body was found Saturday morning inside his SUV.

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