Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton said Monday that she wants to install “half a billion” solar panels before the end of her first hypothetical four-year term in 2021. But at least one interested party said that wouldn’t change a thing.

Clinton addressed a crowd at Pine Middle School in Reno, Nevada Monday night, addressing climate change, slamming George W. Bush’s handling of the economy, and making a George H.W. Bush-style campaign promise not to raise taxes on the middle class.

Clinton also talked about her plan to install 500 million solar panels as part of a renewable energy push that she said will create jobs.

But the Australian renewable energy company ENErgy tweeted out its response to Clinton’s plan, reporting that 500 new solar panels will only increase pollution.

Necessary battery energy backups for buildings using solar panels (employed when the sun is behind clouds) continue to complicate the entire solar energy field.