A California-based group called “Concerned African American Parents” has accused a high-performing Pennsylvania school district of racial discrimination in a complaint sent to the U.S. Department of Education.

The group alleges that black students comprised 7.3 percent of Dublin’s 4,232 students in 2014, but also comprise nearly half of the suspensions.

The group also claims that not one black student was assigned to the gifted program in the four elementary schools and middle school run by the Upper Dublin School District.

The complaint was also sent to the Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission and was filed on behalf of Concerned African American Parents by the Public Interest Law Center.

“The district’s practices reflect a national trend of excluding African American kids from higher-level courses and feeding them into lower-level or even special education classes,” Public Interest Law Center attorney Sonja Kerr said in a statement. “We’re asking the Department of Education to examine this trend in Upper Dublin.”

Upper Dublin officials said they would review the discrimination allegations before issuing a statement.