CNN Political Commentator and former green jobs advisor to President Obama Van Jones argued that Donald Trump says things that are “un-American” and “somebody’s going to go hurt some Muslim, as a result of this kind of hatred” while discussing the controversy over Trump’s statements regarding Muslims in the US celebrating on September 11, 2011 on Monday’s “AC 360” on CNN.

Jones said, “I just want to say this is just terrible. You have a presidential candidate who is deliberately stoking fear. and smearing a whole population of people. … You have a political candidate, your candidate [Jones was speaking to Trump supporter Jeffrey Lord], you come on night after night and defend, no matter what despicable, horrible, un-American, racist, inflammatory thing he says, you defend him. At some point, do you have no shame? He said there that were thousands of Arabs out there, and there’s not one picture, in a world of — where you got cell phone cameras, you got video cameras from coast-to-coast, not one picture, not one image. This is demagoguery. It is dangerous, and somebody’s going to go hurt some Muslim, as a result of this kind of hatred. It’s wrong.”

Jones later added, “every single time a Muslim extremist, or a jihadi does something horrible, we ask every Muslim ever born, from the crib to 97-years-old to denounce that kind of activity. At what point can we start asking every Republican to denounce this sort of scapegoating and demagoguery?”

(h/t Mediaite)

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