Former House Oversight Committee Chairman Darrell Issa is endorsing Sen. Marco Rubio for president.

“He’s been fighting for a lot of things I believe in and look he’s not afraid to engage on the hottest subjects,” Issa said during an interview on Fox News this morning about his endorsement, calling the Florida Senator an “exciting candidate.”

As Chairman of the House Oversight Committee, Issa fought many battles with the Obama administration over Obamacare, the IRS scandals, and the truth about what happened during the 2012 terrorist attacks in Benghazi. Issa cited Rubio’s effort to stop Obamacare bailouts from taxpayers as one reason he supported him for president.

Issa is not completely in line with Rubio on all issues, especially on intelligence reforms in the USA Freedom Act that Rubio opposed. Rubio’s campaign has criticized Sen. Ted Cruz for supporting the USA Freedom act, suggesting he is weak on national security.

Issa said that bulk collection of meta-data by the National Security was concerning, which is why he decided to vote for reform.

“I’m willing to be wrong on this but the act as we amended it has monitoring, so if we need to do something different, obviously, Congress will,” he said.