The GOP could broaden its appeal among black and Hispanic voters if it embraced legislation to counter “climate change,” says a writer published by the Washington Post.

Post writer Janell Ross argues that if Republicans abandon business interests, embrace robust regulation, and propose new environmental laws, it “could attract new voters, new attention and help to resolve the party’s pressing demographic crisis.”

Obviously, one should be careful taking advice from someone whose interests are diametrically opposed to one’s own. It is certainly doubtful how much the Washington Post really wants to see a robustly competitive Republican Party. But this particular bit of concern trolling isn’t just disingenuous, though, it is downright daft, and it deserves to have a bucket of cold water thrown all over it.

Ross’s own data undercuts her argument.

She begins her argument by noting that Democrats believe “climate change” is a “serious” issue. She observes, “Yes, 85 percent of white Democrats and Democratic-leaning independents said climate change is serious. But so did 80 percent of non-white Democrats and 78 percent of all non-white adults in mid-November.”

In other words, non-white Democrats are somewhat less likely to believe “climate change” is a serious issue than other Democrats. Is it really likely that non-white Democrats would gravitate to a reborn, enviro-focused Republican party over the issue of “climate change?” It would make more sense to argue that white Democrats would be more likely to switch because of a change in the GOP on the issue than non-whites, simply because whites view it as a more serious threat.

Recent polling by Reuters on the issue reveals further how much less non-whites care about the issue of “climate change” than whites.

Reuters asked voters if they would be “more or less likely” to vote for a candidate who didn’t think climate change was real. (An obviously very loaded poll question.) A solid majority of white voters, 53 percent, said they would be less likely. Just 41 percent of black voters said they would be less likely.

Almost half of black voters, 49 percent, said a candidate’s position on whether or not climate change was real wouldn’t make a difference to them. Only 32 percent of white voters said it would affect their vote.

Interestingly, Hispanic voter attitudes on climate change are almost identical to those of white voters. Add Ross to the list of superficial analysts who believe issues are either “white” or “non-white.” Actual voters, like people, are far more complex.

If Ross is genuinely trying to identify issues where the Republican party can make inroads with the black community, there is one issue the party already holds that is in agreement with most black voters — 0pposition to same-sex marriage.

A plurality of black voters oppose the Supreme Court ruling legalizing same-sex marriage in the United States. A strong majority of white voters, however, support the ruling. A plurality of Hispanic voters also support the ruling.

If the Republican Party wants to try to maximize its votes in the black community, it would be better off emphasizing its opposition to same-sex marriage than to play into the fantasies of a green-eyed Washington Post columnist.