Is Jesse Jackson retired? Or was it that Al Sharpton couldn’t work a new assignment into his no-doubt arduous schedule?

Whatever the reason, Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel yesterday snatched a second-tier race hustler off the waiver wire to act as “senior adviser” to his new Task Force on Police Accountability.

C’mon down, former Mass. Gov. Deval Patrick!

This is a native of Chicago who has himself been the victim of a senseless street crime. In his seldom-purchased autobiography, he claimed that as a youth on the mean streets of the South Side, somebody once bounced a Coke can off his forehead. An empty Coke can.

No really, he said that.

Mayor Emanuel is trying to save his own sorry political skin after the scandal involving his administration’s apparent cover up of the killing of a 16-year-old black man Laquan McDonald by a white Chicago cop just before Emanuel began his reelection bid. The video of the cop shooting the youth 16 times was not released until last week, months after the city settled out of court with the family, for $5 million. Shortly after the hush payment, Emanuel won a surprisingly tight race against an underfunded opponent.

So Monday Emanuel fired his police chief and appointed this new task force to investigate the practices of the Chicago Police Department. As for Deval Patrick, he now comes full circle. He began his career, such as it is, as what Tom Wolfe once described as a “mau-mauer,” a community organizer-type, an NAACP lawyer filing suits against the death penalty and prison conditions.

Now, after his failed governorship in Massachusetts, he becomes what Wolfe called a “flak catcher” – a bureaucrat paid to be taunted by the very mau-mauers from “the community” from which Deval sprung, sort of, considering that he was packed off at age 14 to the same exclusive New England prep school Ted Kennedy graduated from.

Patrick does bring impeccable credentials to his new gig as Head Flak Catcher. First of all, he will do what he is told.

Second, he’s tight with Obama. But even more importantly for the new job, he’s thisclose to David Axelrod, the Chicago political guru with ties to Obama and Emanuel. A former reporter for the Chicago Tribune, Axelrod masterminded Deval’s first bid for governor of Massachusetts in 2006, a content-free campaign that parlayed white guilt into easy victory, presaging what would happen nationally two years later.

None of this is a secret. This morning, in the Tribune, columnist John Kass wrote: “If there’s one thing Chicago needs, it’s yet another blue-ribbon task force led by a guy from Boston who knows Axelrod.”

But Deval is black, and he will do what he is told. He will stand behind the mayor and be what he has always been – window dressing. In an earlier incarnation, he was paid millions by both Coke and Texaco as he departed after brief stints in their corporate boardrooms. To quote Tom Wolfe once again, this latest assignment is all about “steam control” – keeping a lid on “the community.”

As for Deval Patrick’s actual credentials in law enforcement, they are somewhat less than negligible:

Is it too late for Mayor Emanuel and his minion Axelrod to call the bullpen to bring in Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton?

Howie Carr is the author of the new novel about organized crime in Boston, Killers, which is available at