Democratic presidential frontrunner Hillary Clinton is attending a fundraiser hosted by a personal friend and supporter of Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad, whose dictatorial rule has helped birth the Islamic State’s savagery.

Breitbart News has learned that Clinton will be attending a fundraiser Thursday at the Boston home of Bobby Sager, an investor and quasi-celebrity philanthropist who personally promised Assad’s aide in 2011 that he would advocate for Assad’s control of Syria. The 6:30 PM fundraiser raises more alarming questions about Clinton’s willingness to take money from almost any source.

Sager visited Syria in 2011 and was personally hosted in the country by Bashar al-Assad, the ruthless tyrant whom Clinton once called a “reformer,” before deciding that he should be removed from power instead. Sager sent a thank-you email on March 28, 2011, to Assad’s media adviser Bouthaina Shaaban. In the email, which was later obtained by a hacker group called LulzFinancial, Sager defended Assad from international criticism concerning his military’s killing of protesters in separate events earlier that month that marked the first battles in the emerging civil war.

“I have been very moved by the time I spent with you and with President Assad,” Sager wrote:

I take the many insights from our conversations and combine them with first hand perspective I gained from my time spent at Umayyad mosque, the souk, the coffee shops and even the hammam. I leave Syria with a profound sense of connection and a desire to share my understanding with influential friends in the United States and around the world…

My first hand understanding, without the distorting filters of the media or the haze of distance, compels me to speak out about what I have seen and heard and especially how different my experience has been from the images I have seen on TV. 
I feel privileged to consider you and President Assad as friends. As friends, we all find ourselves in a moment of history that requires people of real commitment to stand up and speak loudly in support of constructive change and engagement. History teaches that to be ahead of the curve is to lead the change…

What is important now is for committed friends to be vocal in their support of President Assad’s leadership. After all, real friends stand up and speak the truth when it matters most. I will take my first hand understanding into the world and argue loudly and convincingly that President Assad, far from being the problem, is actually the most critical part of the solution… I stand ready to help in any way, at any time, and in any place.

“Please feel free to share this note with President Assad if you feel it is appropriate,” Sager added.

Shaaban responded that she hoped Sager would come back to meet with the dictator again.

“I do feel proud to be your friend and I know how much the president enjoys your company and appreciates your friendship,” Shaaban wrote.

Sager sent his email the very same month that his other powerful friend Hillary Clinton infamously called Assad a “reformer” in a Sunday show interview.

Clinton’s fundraiser with Sager comes just one day after a deadly mass shooting in San Bernardino, CA, that resembled an ISIS-style attack. As of press time, a man named Syed Farook was being identified as a suspect in the case.

Clinton is also a major advocate for importing Syrian refugees from al-Assad’s chaotic, war-torn culture.