Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton slept in instead of getting an important intelligence briefing just days after the Benghazi terrorist attack.

Bombshell new documents obtained in a lawsuit by Judicial Watch show that Clinton slept in on the morning of September 15, 2012 and missed a key meeting in advance of a series of phone conversations she had with Middle Eastern heads of state.

“Dan will be at Whitehaven with the PDB at 9:30am this morning. He has some sensitive items that he would like to personally show you when he arrives,” State Department official Monica Hanley wrote to Clinton at 9:30 AM, referring to Clinton’s home residence in Washington, D.C., which she calls “Whitehaven.”

“I just woke up so I missed Dan. Could he come back after I finish my calls? But I don’t have the call schedule yet so I don’t know when that would be. Do you?,” Clinton replied at 10:43 AM, more than an hour later.

Hanley followed up by sending Clinton a list of foreign leaders she had to call that day, including Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the prime minister-elect of Libya.

Clinton’s sleepiness is a cause for concern, says Judicial Watch president Tom Fitton.

“These new Benghazi emails are disturbing and show why Hillary Clinton and the Obama administration had to be forced to disclose them,” Fitton said in a statement. “The ‘I just got up’ email shows that, smack dab in the middle of the Benghazi crisis, Hillary Clinton fell behind and may have not been fully briefed as she began an intense round of phone calls to foreign leaders.”