Friday on Fox News Channel’s “The Kelly File,” Washington Post columnist Charles Krauthammer criticized President Barack Obama and his administration for its reaction to the San Bernardino, CA mass shooting earlier in the week.

According to Krauthammer, the executive branch’s lack of action has taken a toll on the American people by causing them to have concerns about their safety.

“[I] think one of the reasons for the true widespread and deep anxiety in the country, insecurity, reflected for example in the increase in the purchase of firearms, is that people feel that the authorities, particularly the president, the White House, ultimate authorities, simply are clueless about what’s happening. Either that they have no idea what to do about it and thus deny its existence or its importance or its severity or that the president truly doesn’t believe that this is major threat to the security of his own people. And when you feel leaderless, when you have the White House an hour before the FBI says it’s terrorism, still refusing to call it terrorism, when you have the president saying that ISIS is contained, ISIS is not gaining strength and his own head of the joint chiefs of staff says in testimony a few weeks ago, ISIS is growing, it’s not contained. When you have every single indication of the highest authorities in the land downplaying the threat at every turn, starting from the JV team until right now, then you have a sense that this is not an administration to whom you can trust your safety and the safety of your children.”

Krauthammer went on to downplay what host Megyn Kelly said was Obama’s duty, which was to be the “consoler-in-chief,” but he did say this would be the new reality of living in America.

“It’s the new reality of living in America when we have spent seven years abdicating our role in the Middle East, withdrawing from Iraq unilaterally and allowing the influence of Iran to rise,” he added. “With the growth of ISIS, ISIS has become, under this president, the largest semi-sovereign terrorist group in the history of the world. The wealthiest, with sources of income that are untold in the history of terrorism and with obvious skill and reach. And he acts as if it remains a JV team and minor nuisance.”

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