Columnist Pat Buchanan argued President Obama “has been dead wrong” on ISIS and that he’s “almost in denial” on Friday’s “McLaughlin Group.”

Buchanan said, “There’s no doubt about it. The president has been dead wrong. He said ISIS has been contained. It’s a JV, and we’ve got them in this area, and it’s dimin[ishing]. They are diminishing in terms of the area they control. But now, what ISIS is doing, I believe, and I think this is an example, because we now have connections between that woman and ISIS, is ISIS is being hammered at its base, and it is lashing out and I think calling into action sleeper cells, and other attackers in the West to do the kind of massacre that took place in Paris and in San Bernardino, basically just to make a statement to the world that we are fighting the West, and we are at war with the West, and it’s very successful.”

He added, “And I think the president is almost in denial. I mean, up until Friday, he had not mentioned Islamic terror, or ISIS, or anything in connection with this, and I think the whole Democratic Party is trying to return it into a debate on gun control. And that’s a debate, quite frankly, they are losing. The country is looking at Islamic terrorism.”

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