Sen. Lindsey Graham apologized on Tuesday for Donald Trump’s rhetoric against Muslims.

“I am sorry, he does not represent us,” Graham said at the fifth Republican presidential debate at the Venetian Hotel in Las Vegas, Nevada.  “Leave the faith alone, go after the radicals that kill us all,” he added.

“Donald Trump has done the one single thing you cannot do, declare war on Islam itself,” Graham said regarding Trump’s call to ban Muslims from entering the United States.

“ISIL would be dancing in the street, they just don’t believe in dancing. This is a coup for them and for all of our Muslim friends throughout the world like the King of Jordan and the President of Egypt.” Graham said.

Former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum weighed in and said that Trump’s plan isn’t a reaction against peaceful Muslims, but that “his comment was against this administration who doesn’t have a policy to properly vet people coming into this country. ”

“Not all Muslims are jihadists and no one, including I suspect Donald Trump, would say that. But the reality is all jihadists are Muslims— that’s a reality,” Santorum said. “And we have to stop worrying about offending some people and start worrying about defending all Americans because we’re not right now.”