Donald Trump tells Breitbart News that he doesn’t want Jeb Bush’s endorsement.

“I really don’t want Jeb’s endorsement because he is a low energy person and he does not represent strength, power and stamina, which are qualities our country desperately needs,” Trump tells Breitbart News.

Politico reported Wednesday that Jeb Bush is considering declaring he will not support Donald Trump if the billionaire ends up becoming the Republican presidential nominee.

Trump told Breitbart that Bush can’t become the nominee, and is only considering this step because Trump pledged his support to the Republican party.

“If he does not endorse and support me as the nominee, legally he cannot be on the ballot in many states so that would be the end of his candidacy—but that doesn’t matter because he is not going to win anyway,” Trump said. He added that, “Jeb is only doing this because I committed to run as a Republican last night — so dishonorable.”

At Tuesday’s Republican presidential debate Bush went after Trump, calling him a “chaos president” and suggesting that Trump gets his foreign policy ideas from Saturday cartoons. Trump told Breitbart that he’s attacking him to keep his name in the news.

“While everyone said I beat him last night, I was only responding to his desperate attempt to stay relevant by attacking me,” Trump said.

“Additionally, I have a 27-point lead in the Monmouth Poll, and the just-out Morning Consult poll shows me leading with 40 percent. Also, the highly respected Public Policy Poll out yesterday shows me leading in Iowa with 28 percent.”