LAS VEGAS, Nevada – GOP presidential candidate former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee called the budget deal reached yesterday, the “fiscal cliff deal.”

“I’m disgusted,” Huckabee stated.

There’s no other word for it. Amidst the chaos of yesterday’s GOP debate in Las Vegas, it was Congress that was quietly gambling away our future. Washington Republicans announced a massive bipartisan budget deal that preserves ObamaCare, funds Planned Parenthood, solidifies Obama’s nuclear deal with Iran, and allows the White House to accept thousands of unvetted Syrian refugees.

Huckabee went on, to blast politicians in Washington.

Americans are sick and tired of the political theatre that passes for productivity in Washington,” he charged. “With billions in handouts to Hollywood and America’s enemies, this $1.1 trillion deal adds billions of dollars to our $18.5 trillion national debt and continues our country on a path to ruin. What will it take for Washington politicians to wake-up, stand-up to Obama and put Americans first?

Speaker of the House Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) announced Congress had reached an agreement on the Omnibus spending bill during the GOP presidential primary debate.