This week, U.S. Rep. Donald Payne Jr. (D-NJ-10) introduced national gun buybacks with a program called the Safe Neighborhoods Gun Buyback Act.

Payne’s legislation has 22 Democrat co-sponsors and requests $360 million in gun buybacks funding.

According to The Hill, Payne’s bill would require gun owners to “turn over their firearms to state and local governments as well as certain gun dealers,” who would then turn the weapons over to the Department of Justice for destruction. The DOJ would “pay gun owners a premium of 25 percent more than the market value of their firearms.”

Gun owners who turned over their weapons would receive a debit card that could be used for anything other than “more guns and ammunition.”

Australian-style gun confiscation was based on mandatory buybacks that resulted in the destruction of all weapons collected. On October 16, Hillary Clinton told an audience at Keene State College that such a plan was “worth looking at” for gun policy in the US.

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