National Journal writes that the national security argument between two senators reaches from Las Vegas to New Hampshire:

Marco Ru­bio on Wed­nes­day picked up his feud with rival GOP pres­id­en­tial hope­ful Ted Cruz where he’d left it at Tues­day night’s GOP de­bate, telling some 250 sup­port­ers that he was amazed that “people” in his own party can think the way they do about na­tion­al se­cur­ity.

“It makes no sense that people in our own party, the party of Re­agan, the party of strong na­tion­al de­fense, have lined up to sup­port these sorts of things,” he said about re­duc­tions in de­fense spend­ing.

“People like to talk about, ‘I made this prom­ise, that prom­ise, the oth­er prom­ise,’” he said later. “Let me tell you the most im­port­ant prom­ise someone run­ning for pres­id­ent must al­ways make. And that is: I will wake up every day, and spend every second, minute, hour, day, month, and year in the presidency do­ing everything I can to keep you safe.”

By “people,” of course, Ru­bio meant Cruz, who at the Las Ve­gas de­bate said he voted against a de­fense au­thor­iz­a­tion bill be­cause of a cam­paign prom­ise in Texas to vote against any bill that al­lows the ad­min­is­tra­tion to hold U.S. cit­izens in­def­in­itely without “due pro­cess.”

Read the whole thing.