Pollster and pro-Ted Cruz PAC Keep the Promise 1 President Kellyanne Conway argued that supporters of Bernie Sanders might jump to Donald Trump on Friday’s “CNN Tonight.”

Conway said, “you see Donald Trump rising, you see Ted Cruz rising and you see establishment favorite, Washington favorite Marco Rubio flat-lining, going down three points in the Fox News poll and of course Ben Carson has lost voters to both Cruz and Trump. In the state polls…you see Ted Cruz on top in Iowa, Trump dominating New Hampshire, we see both of them on the top in South Carolina. So, the question for Marco Rubio is, which of these early states can you actually win? We know that you’re the favorite of the senators, we know that you’re the favorite of the donor class, we know you don’t show up to work, and you voted, I think two times in all of November since the Senate was in session in October –. … What state can you win? That’s the big question for all of these folks, all 12 or 13 that are left.”

She added that Trump is a usual populist, not a Democrat or Republican and “we have to give some kudos to Bernie Sanders for doing the same thing this year. I know he’s eclipsed by everybody trying to clear a straight glide path for Hillary Clinton, nobody wants free market competition on that side, but Bernie Sanders, too, Don, has tapped into some type of populist anti-Washington anti-corporate sentiment. I wonder, after he’s out of the race, if and when, don’t some of his voters go to the other populist in the race, Donald Trump? I mean, that scares me as a Cruz person.” And “Jeb Bush is at 3%. Why is he in the race now?”

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