GQ magazine listed 2016 Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton as their fifth worst person in 2015.

“Hopelessly corrupt pander-bot 2008 Hillary is back!” wrote Drew Magary. “And remarkably, she seems to believe—yet again—that her lengthy history of cynical, bought-and-paid-for leadership somehow entitles her to the presidency, as if her entire campaign strategy is “I didn’t betray my principles and sell out every last one of my constituents NOT to be president, you guys!”

GQ names Hillary Clinton their 5th worst person of 2015.

The publication placed her above Jared Fogle, GOP presidential candidate Jeb Bush, and Floyd Mayweather.

GQ’s worst person is Kim Davis, who refused to issue marriage licenses to gay Kentucky couples. Cameron Crow nabbed the second spot due to his flop Aloha. British Prime Minister David Cameron and disgraced FIFA President Sepp Blatter rounded out the top.