NASHVILLE, Tennessee–As the GOP field winnows down, many analysts predict the nomination will come down to a two-man race between Trump and Cruz.

Though the mainstream media is desperately trying to create a “cage match” between the two, as Cruz noted recently, neither Trump nor Cruz have stepped into that fight yet.

Trump has suggested that he may have to come out and criticize Cruz if it comes to a two-man race, but so far, he has resisted the impulse.

And Cruz has artfully dodged any efforts to draw him into direct criticisms of Trump.

For his part, Trump has not dismissed the possibility of naming Cruz as his vice president.

Many conservatives around the country indicate that they will be happy to support either Trump or Cruz, but have no interest in supporting any other GOP contender.

They say a Trump-Cruz or Cruz-Trump team could beat likely Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton in a landslide.

With his “alpha-male” personality, it seems unlikely Trump would play second fiddle to anyone, though.

Nonetheless, Breitbart News posed that question on Tuesday to Cruz, who has already said he would hire Donald Trump to build the wall across the U.S. border with Mexico he has advocated.

Breitbart News asked Cruz if he would he consider asking Trump to run as his vice president if he secures the nomination.

The well-practiced Cruz delivered a response guaranteed to avoid trouble from either side.

“I think Donald is terrific,” he told Breitbart News as he left the press availability held after his rally in Nashville on Tuesday.