The following was originally posted at The Daily Mail:

It is one of the most archetypal Christmas images: the hard-working son or daughter catching planes, trains and automobiles just to make it home for the holidays.

But in reality, for most Americans it would take nothing more than a quick bus ride to make it back to mom and dad’s in time for December 25.

A study has found that the average US resident lives just 18 miles from their mother.

The Upshot research discovered that over the last few decades, Americans have become less mobile, and most adults – especially those with less education or lower incomes — do not venture far from their hometowns.

That image goes against the common perception of Americans as rootless, constantly on the move to seek opportunity even if it means leaving family behind.

It instead shows the country as a nation of close-knit families, where multiple generations rely on each other for financial and practical support.

Read the rest here.