The hostile narrative against white men is being fanned by the influential left-wing news site Salon, which just ran an article titled, “White men must be stopped: The very future of mankind depends on it.”

Salon even added some art to its twitter link to emphasize the color angle in the article by Detroit labor activist Frank Joyce.

Originally published on Alternet under the equally racist title “The Future of Life Depends on Bringing the 500-Year Rampage of the White Man to a Halt,” Joyce throws punches wildly, using every bit of guilt inducing mumbo-jumbo he can muster up to make his case that white men are biggest problem facing the planet and it’s the white people reading his article who need to do the “restraining” of white people.

Joyce writers that “there is surely a role whites can play in restraining other whites in this era. Beneath the sound and fury generated by GOP presidential candidates, Fox News, website trolls, police unions and others, white people are becoming aware as never before of past and present racism.”

By the third paragraph of his racist screed, Joyce is blaming a Hispanic Senator and a black doctor for white supremacy:

To the contrary, given the possibility that Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, Ben Carson or one of their ilk might become president, white supremacist ideology seems to be digging in harder than ever.

When Joyce hits his stride, he launches a full-fledged attack on facts, such as any non-leftist narrative of the real history of slavery.

This takes an especially pernicious twist when white racism deniers argue that there has always been slavery as though that itself somehow makes it justified. It’s not true that every society over all time has enslaved people. But even if it were true, the kind of slavery on which the U.S. was built is unlike any other that preceded it. It co-evolved with capitalism and it conflated slavery with “race”—plantation capitalism as the Reverend James Lawson calls it.

Talking factually about the actual history of slavery, says Joyce, is racist. Besides, he tells the elitist liberals that make up Salon’s readership, slavery in America was the worst thing ever…because… capitalism.

Facts are stubborn things. Here’s one account of slavery from a website that details the Atlantic slave trade. It is, of course, awful, but don’t hide your head in the sand. Read this account from a slave in the 1800s:

The stocks, which were in the boiler-house, were the cruelest. Some were for standing and others for lying down.  They were made of thick planks with holes for the head, hands and feet. They would keep slaves fastened up like this for two of three month for some trivial offense.  They whipped the pregnant women too. But lying face down with a hollow in the ground for their bellies, they whipped them hard but took care not to hurt their babies because they wanted as many of those a possible.

This was wrong on every level, but don’t tell Frank Joyce that it didn’t happen in the United States. It happened in Cuba.

As bad as slavery was, it was not unique to the United States. In fact, the vast majority of slaves taken from Africa didn’t go to the American South; instead, they went to South America and the Caribbean. And even though the United States ended the importation of slaves in 1808, it persisted much longer outside the U.S. in Latin America, as the International Slavery Museum website points out:

Despite the abolition of the slave trade by several European states in the early years of the 19th century and the subsequent attempts to suppress it, illegal slaving continued until the 1870s. Indeed, approximately a quarter of all Africans who were enslaved for the trade were transported across the Atlantic after 1807. The largest proportion of this trade operated directly between Africa and the Americas, notably Brazil and Cuba. The last known slave ship landed its cargo in Cuba in 1867.

One of the reasons for high slave importation in Latin America was that because so many slaves died due to poor living conditions they needed to bring in more replacements. In the United States, the slave population actually grew because life expectancy was longer, so births outpaced deaths.

Obviously, none of these facts justify slavery, an institution which America abolished completely about a century and a half ago. However, nothing justifies lying about slavery or completely dropping historical context either just because Mr. Joyce despises American capitalism.

By the way, Frank Joyce is white.

His Salon article is imploring white people to buy into his biased historical revisionism and feel guilty enough to take a stand against other white people in order to destroy America’s capitalist economic system that has produced more wealthy, successful black people than any other system or country on Earth.

Never one to let facts get in the way of his hate, Joyce encourages white people to take up this cause:

So are many others now writing and speaking honestly and openly about the enduring power of white racism. That is valuable because it strengthens the idea that whites can come to terms with reality, past and present, as opposed to the myths we are encouraged to believe. As we do so, another world does become possible.

The naive on the left—the NPR-bag toting, do-gooder crowd—may believe that when Joyce says “another world does become possible” that he means a world free of racism. He does not. He’s referring to the world of communism and anarchism.

The phrase “another world is possible” is a familiar dogwhistle to those that study the modern left. Unfortunately, most Democrats and mainstream liberals are clueless about the Left’s real goals and history. However, for those that pay attention, they know that the phrase shows up in book titles like Another World Is Possible: Globalization and Anti-Capitalism or articles in International Communist Current or even as the slogan of the anti-capitalist World Social Forum.

The left’s “anti-racism” movement language is a ruse Just like the 1960s “anti-war” movement was actually just anti-America and pro-Vietcong, the anti-racist activists on the left are totalitarian far-lefties under their diversity hoods.

The ugly truth is that Frank Joyce, Salon, and the rest of the leftist “anti-racism” crowd love racism – just as long as it’s racism against whites.