GOP presidential candidate former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee is pushing back against President Obama’s proposed executive actions.

One, an amnesty rule, would provide more foreign worker permits for white collar jobs.

Huckabee says this “power-play is classic dictator.”

“The Administration has also announced their intention to advance new gun control executive orders in early January of next year,” notes Huckabee’s press release. 

Huckabee stated:

With Congress away on recess and the American people distracted by the holidays, Obama’s New Year’s amnesty power-play is classic dictator. This 181-page immigration amnesty rule is an unconstitutional assault on America’s workers. Why are we robbing seniors and veterans of their hard-earned benefits to give handouts to illegal immigrants and foreign blue-collar workers? Why did we fight a revolution against the tyranny of one, unelected monarch so we could surrender our Constitution to this out-of-control president?

Obama’s executive orders on gun control, planned for early next year, are also unconstitutional and completely insane. What’s worse though is this Republican-controlled Congress waves the white flag of surrender every time. It’s time we burn down the Washington political machine, reject Obama’s amnesty agenda and put Americans first.