Columnist Charles Krauthammer named GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump as 2015’s biggest winner and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu the year’s biggest loser on Thursday’s “Special Report” on the Fox News Channel.

Krauthammer said, “The obvious political winner in the United States this year is Donald Trump. the most astonishing, unexpected political rise in recent American political history.” He added that aside from the rise of Jeremy Corbyn in the UK, Trump’s rise was “the most unlikely.” Krauthammer also joked that while he doesn’t let his feelings get in the way of political judgement, “the thing that probably tipped me over is when Trump, after a lot of hesitation, came out against the killing of journalists. That’s what sealed the deal.”

Krauthammer further stated, when asked to name his loser, “Unfortunately, again, I’m going against my feelings here, Bibi Netanyahu. He took a huge gamble in opposing the Iran deal. I think he had to do it. He did the right thing. It’s the most threatening thing to the state of Israel in its entire history. He went up against Obama and he lost, and it damaged his relationship to the point where we saw just this week, that the administration [in] an unprecedented way was eavesdropping on him and on his government.”

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