One member of an armed group occupying a federal building at the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge near Burns, Oregon has made a video to share the occupiers’ side of the story.

Ammon Bundy, son of infamous Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy, has acted as a spokesman for the group for media outlets such as CNN. In a video posted to Facebook, activist Jon Ritzheimer told those watching his video that he and his fellows have gathered to defend their Constitutional rights.

Ritzheimer made headlines in 2015 by organizing a “Draw Muhammad” free speech event in Phoenix, Arizona.

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Update on Oregon from Jon Ritzheimer.

Posted by Melvin Lee on Sunday, January 3, 2016

Here is the full transcript of Ritzheimer’s comments.

Hello everyone, Jon Ritzheimer here, I’m armed with the Constitution and with a camera. I’m here parked outside of the Malheur Refuge.

This land belongs to ‘we the people.’ It’s outlined right here in the Constitution. Article One, Section Eight where the government is allowed to own land and it’s all the way on the other side of the country, a little place called D.C.

Although a lot of people may disagree with the way that this was handled, right now we need to come together and we need to make a stand. OK, patriots need to come together regardless of your opinion of how this happened. We are within our Constitutional rights and we all want to go home to our families.

There’s Oregon county residents coming in here, the refuge is open, and there’s zero ‘no trespassing’ signs, we’re breaking no laws, we’re out here on public land. OK? So, again, there’s nothing illegal taking place here.

The media blowing it up and making it sound like a lot of illegal activity is taking place couldn’t be further from the truth. We have lots of Oregon county residents coming up here bringing supplies and food a lots of them coming here and camping on the land with us.

As I said, I’m parked right here outside right here at the gate and I’m armed with the Constitution and a camera so that if they try and come in here fully armed and create another Ruby Ridge or Waco event we can be right there to put the truth out and hold them accountable. but we do not want it to come to that–nobody wants it to come to that–and I don’t think they want it to come to that on the other side, either. We all want to go home to our families. We need to keep this peaceful. We will not fire unless fired upon. But we will stand and defend the Constitution. We are within our rights.

OK, again I’m calling for all patriots to come here, stand with us, if you don’t want to go into the refuge you can still be right out here on this open, public land. There’s no vandalism taking place. All that’s been done is an American flag has been put up over their sign to show that this is the American people’s land. It belongs to Oregon, it belongs to Harney County. And the ranchers need to be allowed to come here and ranch and enjoy the fruits of the labor which they are being deprived of doing.

This government is and–this refuge here we found out is also the largest and it’s getting bigger and bigger. It’s swallowing up ranchers. It’s already kicked off over 100 ranchers from this land. So, please come out and take a stand with us for the Constitution–a peaceful stand.

But, yes, there are some people that are armed. We need to defend our rights. That’s what the Second Amendment is there for, people. Please come out and join us, thank you.

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