Columnist Charles Krauthammer stated that President Obama is “not asleep at the wheel. He’s not at the wheel at all” in proposing gun control while “We’re in the middle of a meltdown in the Middle East” on Tuesday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “Special Report.”

Krauthammer said the executive action is [relevant remarks begin around 3:55] “an assault on the Constitution, an assault on the separation of powers, going around Congress, and to do what? To do something significant, you could understand. this is a minor expansion of the definition of engaged in business. It’s not going to have any effect, would not have had any effect on any of the mass shootings of the last several years. And yet Obama is committed. It’s kind of delusional. Going out — there’s so much else going on in the country, going on around the world. you’ve got to ask yourself, this is it, this is what he’s spending a week on? We’re in the middle of a meltdown in the Middle East, terrorism all over the world, shutdown of capitals in Europe, attacks here in the United States, and the president’s answer is gun control? … That’s the reason that the country’s on edge. Yes, the world is in trouble, but it usually is. The difference is we have a president who’s not asleep at the wheel. He’s not at the wheel at all, he’s somewhere else.”

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