New Jersey Governor Chris Christie is not interested in “re-litigating” the scandals of former President Bill Clinton’s personal life as his wife Hillary campaigns for president.

During an interview on Bloomberg’s With All Due Respect, Christie was asked by co-host Mark Halperin about an attack Donald Trump made against Bill Clinton, criticizing his history of sexual infidelity and calling his past “fair game” for the presidential campaign.

“Is that, as far as you’re concerned, fair game?” Halperin asked Christie.

Christie replied that there were more serious issues in the race, indicating that he would not attack Bill Clinton’s personal life.

“I don’t know that re-litigating Bill Clinton’s personal life, that that is something that’s the most productive expenditure of time for the American people and for moving our country forward,” Christie replied. “And so that would be something that I’m not all that interested in, but every candidate has to make their own judgment and then be ready for the scrutiny that comes back at them for the judgments that they make.”

Trump has continued his line of attack against Clinton, comparing him to comedian Bill Cosby Tuesday.

“The whole Cosby thing is a weird deal, and he’s got himself some big problems, and you’d almost have to ask Bill Clinton that,” Trump said in a radio interview. “It would be [a] very interesting question to someday ask him. There [are] certainly a lot of very strong charges against him, some pretty bad stuff.”