This week on Boston’s AM680 WKRO’s “The Kuhner Report,” Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump told host Jeff Kuhner he thought he can win the states of New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Florida and Massachusetts in the general presidential election against the Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton.

Trump said, “They say that if I run against Hillary it will be the single greatest turnout in our country for voting. A lot of those people are going to vote for me because they are tired of the system. That’s why they never voted before. They are tired of the system. And I think that’s right. I think I’m going to win places — I have a chance at winning New York, which the Republicans don’t even think about. And New York is very big … I mean I think I’ll win Pennsylvania. I think I’ll win Ohio. I think I’ll win Florida. I think we do great. And all the polls have me leading the various people like, you know, Kasich is the governor of Ohio and I’m way ahead of him in Ohio—you know, in the poll.”

He continued, “If you look at Bush and you look at Rubio, I’m way ahead of them both in Florida. One was a governor and one was a senator, and I’m way ahead. So I think we are going to win a lot of states that nobody had in mind. I think we are going to win a lot of people. I think a lot of Democrats are going to cross over because you know they may be Democrats but they are sick and tired of what’s going on in the country.”

When asked specifically about New York Trump said, “You know I’m liked in New York. They respect me. I think I’ll do very well in New York. I don’t think Hillary is particularly liked in New York. I think I’ll win states that they weren’t counting on winning. Your electoral college will be much different then you would think.”

He added, “I had a 52 percent poll number against the other Republicans, which is unbelievably high. I think I can win Massachusetts.”

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