Monday on CNN’s “The Lead,” House Speaker Paul Ryan was asked by host Jake Tapper to react to remarks from Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump that he is weak on immigration and on securing the border in addition to being for amnesty.

Although Ryan declined to respond directly to Trump, he insisted he was not any of Trump’s claims on immigration.

“Look, I’m not taking the bait,” Ryan said. “I’m not going to get into the commenting about this and that. I would be able to work with whoever our Republican nominee is on immigration reform, something that clearly needs to be happening. People who know my record know that I’m for border enforcement, border control, not for amnesty. And I will work with whoever our nominee is to make sure that that person wins and then to make sure we run on a platform so that we have a mandate election, so that in 2017, we do what we need to do to get this country back on track to solve this country’s big problems that are getting worse by the day.”

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