Nevada Attorney General Adam Laxalt has endorsed Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) for president.

“This is what Conservatives in Nevada are hungry for, a constitutional conservative that’s going to protect our rights, give Nevada more liberty, protect us from the federal government, give our economy and our families the ability to grow and reach the American dream,” Laxalt said in a video released Wednesday.

“As someone who has served in Iraq and actually was in charge of detainees, terrorists, when we were over there I find one of the most appalling things President Obama has done is to release terrorists from GITMO,” Laxalt said. “Ted Cruz will absolutely stop the practice of releasing terrorists from GITMO.”

The endorsement comes for Cruz at a time when he is polling neck-in-neck with Donald Trump in early states like Iowa.

Breitbart News’ Matthew Boyle reported Tuesday that Cruz will also be getting the endorsement of former two-term Attorney General Charlie Condon.

Condon served as the South Carolina campaign chairman in 2008 for Sen. John McCain and was the first chairman of the Republican Attorneys General Association.

According to a release given to Breitbart News exclusively, Condon says:

Ted Cruz’s fidelity to the Constitution and the rule of law makes him a welcome figure after eight years of Obama’s lawlessness. No one has fought harder to protect the rights and freedoms of Americans than Ted Cruz. From Texas to Washington, in the court room and on the Senate floor, he has been the leading voice opposing Obama’s unconstitutional executive orders, usurpation of legislative power, and selective enforcement of the law. With Ted Cruz as President, we will have someone in office who respects not only his constitutional authority but also the limitations of that power that guarantee our liberty. I am proud to support Cruz for President.

Breitbart’s Matthew Boyle explains why the endorsement from Condon is key:

Cruz’s pickup of Condon, McCain’s 2008 South Carolina campaign chairman, can’t be understated. Condon helped deliver South Carolina to McCain, effectively securing the nomination for the Arizona Senator from a then-surging former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee. Huckabee had won Iowa a few weeks earlier, but McCain came back to win New Hampshire and then sealed the deal in South Carolina. While Huckabee remained in the race much longer—and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney stayed in for a bit longer too—it was South Carolina where McCain essentially sealed the nomination by setting him up for a bigger win in Florida. After winning in South Carolina, McCain never lost another state.