A January 13 poll released by Rasmussen Reports shows less than one-third of Americans trust the federal government when it comes to guns.

According to Rasmussen, 28 percent of Americans “trust the government when it comes to administering” gun laws “fairly.” On the other hand, 59% of the American people do not trust the government on the issue of guns.

Moreover, Rasmussen found that “just one-in-three Americans (32%)…think stricter gun control laws will decrease violent crime.” And 15 percent of Americans believe more gun laws will actually “increase violent crime.”

This poll comes just days after 58 percent of likely U.S. voters told Rasmussen they opposed President Obama’s use of executive actions to secure gun control.  In that same poll, 59 percent of likely U.S. voters said “the additional oversight” resulting from the new controls “will not reduce the number of shootings” Obama highlighted to justify gun control in the first place.

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