Inspired by “Operation Chaos,” in which radio host Rush Limbaugh encouraged his listeners to participate in the Democratic Party’s 2008 presidential primary, gay adult film star Jesse Jackman says he is voting for Donald Trump in the upcoming Massachusetts Republican primary.

Writing at the Huffington Post on Wednesday, Jackman described a matchup between Trump and Clinton as the Democratic Party’s easiest road to the White House, then vowed to cross party lines to help Trump avoid a contested primary.

“Let’s assume for a moment that Hillary Clinton, who currently leads Bernie Sanders by nearly 9 percent nationally, will be the 2016 Democratic nominee. Clinton matches up better against Donald Trump in a general election than any of the other leading Republican candidates,” wrote the gay porn actor.

Demonstrating concerns over Clinton’s electability within her own party, Jackman then made his case for helping to pit Clinton against the party’s perceived weakest opponent.

Citing the latest RealClearPolitics average of national polls, Jackman, who stated he is “as liberal as they come,” wrote, “Hillary Clinton leads Donald Trump by 2 points in a hypothetical presidential showdown. Conversely, RealClearPolitics shows Clinton trailing Marco Rubio by 3 percent and Ted Cruz by 1.8 percent.”

…should Donald Trump earn his party’s nomination, some GOP strategists fear that some Republican voters would be so disenchanted with (or appalled by) Trump that they might not vote in the election at all, leading to down-ticket victories for the Democrats by attrition.

A poll conducted by Fox News between Jan. 4 and Jan.7 shows Trump beating Clinton by 3 percent; however, Clinton is still ahead by 2 points in an average of five national polls.

The gay porn actor added he disagrees with Donald Trump “ideologically in virtually every respect.”

I believe that his policies and proposals would ruin the strength and integrity of our great nation, undermine the fundamental tenets of our democracy, and make us the laughing stock of the international community (except, perhaps, for Vladimir Putin). But no matter what you think of him, one thing’s for certain: Donald Trump is a polarizing figure who is not just divisive across liberal and conservative lines, but within the Republican Party itself.

“Every delegate brings Trump closer to the eventual nomination while eating away at the support of his more-electable rivals,” he wrote.

Jackman concluded that Limbaugh’s Operation Chaos was effective in disrupting the 2008 Democratic primary.

According to a Huffington Post article from March of that year, “approximately 25% of Clinton’s voters in Mississippi were Republicans voting for a candidate they hate in order to try to undermine Barack Obama … [otherwise] Obama would have easily expanded his delegate win there from 19-14 to 24-9.” Similar results were reported in Texas and Ohio.

Earlier this week on his radio show, Limbaugh suggested he may “reactivate” Operation Chaos in the coming months by urging his listeners to vote against Clinton’s 2016 Democratic opponent, Sen. Bernie Sanders to prolong the primary.

“Bernie Sanders was supposed to have been long gone by now. I mean, even more so than Trump was supposed to have been long gone. Bernie Sanders was never supposed to even arrive,” Limbaugh said.

Read Jackman’s full Huffington Post article here.