A YouGov poll shows that Republican primary voters believe that Donald Trump is a bold and strong Washington outsider – providing a glimpse into why he is leading in the polls.

Of Marco Rubio, Donald Trump, and Ted Cruz, Trump led the categories in which respondents weighed various qualities in the latest YouGov survey.

Seventy-five percent said Trump was bold, 62 percent said that he was strong, and 64 percent said that he was a Washington outsider.

Contrast that with only 23 percent who felt Rubio was bold, 29 percent who thought he was strong, and only five percent who believed he was a Washington outsider. The only categories that Rubio led were “typical politician” and “establishment candidate.”

Cruz, however, earned the most points for being a true conservative with a 54 percent rating. He also received the highest rating for being religious and for being partisan. His honesty rating was also the highest of the three at 42 percent.

When offered a choice between Trump, Rubio, and Cruz, the support split as follows:

Donald Trump: 45
Ted Cruz: 30
Marco Rubio: 21