Democratic Presidential Candidate Hillary Clinton stumbled through a bizarre attack on her rival Sen. Bernie Sanders (D-VT) on MSNBC. She said that her grandchild is ‘extraordinary,’ implying Sander’s grandchildren aren’t, perhaps because they are adopted.

According to Paste Magazine:

Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton’s biggest challenger in the Democratic presidential primary, has one son. His name is Levi, and he has three adopted grandchildren from China. When Sanders married his second wife, Jane, she had three children of their own, and those children now have four children of their own. Sanders considers all seven his grandchildren, as anyone would, even though he’s not related to them by blood.

Clinton, conversely, has one daughter, Chelsea, and Chelsea has a baby daughter named Charlotte.

In an interview on MSNBC’s Morning Joe, Clinton was outlining the differences between her policies and the other candidates when she made the attack.

And I guess at the end of the day, for me—you know, people talk about their extraordinary grandchildren, but I actually have one—and we’re going to do everything we can to give her opportunities…

Paste Magazine notes that Sanders often times refers to his grandchildren as, “extraordinary grandchildren.”