Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders slammed Bill Clinton for his past “deplorable” behavior with women.

Sanders made the swipe at Sunday night’s Democratic debate in Charleston, South Carolina, hosted by the Black Congressional Caucus Institute. Hillary Clinton said that she will talk to Bill “at the kitchen table” and use him as a goodwill emissary for her White House.

NBC News moderator Andrea Mitchell asked Sanders about his recent assertion that Bill Clinton’s conduct during the Monica Lewinsky affair was “disgraceful.” Mitchell asked Sanders if he regretted the comment and even went so far as to say that he did not have to answer the reporter’s question in that case.

Sanders, yet again, attacked Bill Clinton while also simultaneously calling the question frivolous, which is a tactic that he has commonly used.

“I was asked a question. You know one of the things, Andrea, and that question annoys me,” Sanders said. “I cannot walk down the street, and Secretary Clinton knows this, without somebody telling me how much I have to attack Secretary Clinton.”

Mitchell defended Clinton, saying that Sanders did not have to answer the question.

“I was asked a question… If i don’t answer it then it’s another front page,” Sanders said.

“Yes, his behavior, was deplorable. Have I ever said anything about that?” Sanders continued.

Sanders’s “deplorable” comment, paired with his assertion that he never said anything about it, is a study in contradictions.

Hillary, meanwhile, said that Bill Clinton will be used “as a good will emissary to go around the country to find the best ideas we’ve got.”

“It will start at the kitchen table, we’ll see where it goes from there,” Clinton said of her potential conversations with husband Bill in the White House.