Monday Republican presidential candidate Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) took on his opponent Donald Trump over claim he is like former President Ronald Reagan who was a Democrat before becoming a Republican.

A reporter asked, “Donald Trump says Ronald Reagan had a evolution, he evolved. Is he right? Is he a Ronald Reagan?”

Cruz said,  “You’re right, Donald did an interview where he described he thinks he’s bigger than Ronald Reagan. I think the American people will make that determination. I would note that Ronald Reagan spent decades as a principled conservative; spent decades traveling the country sharing his conservative free market views defending the constitution. Ronald Reagan did not spend the first 60 years of his life supporting democratic politicians advocating for big government politics. Supporting things like the big bank bailout. Supporting things like expanding ObamaCare to turn it into socialized medicine. That’s not what Ronald Reagan did. Ronald Reagan was a voice of consistency.”

“And I’m pretty sure that Ronald Reagan didn’t write checks and support Democratic politicians like Andrew Cuomo, like Anthony Weiner, like Hillary Clinton,” he continued. “I’m pretty sure Ronald Reagan didn’t write a huge check to Rahm Emanuel in December of 2010. After, by the way, the big tea party wave, after the 2010 elections, I’m pretty sure Ronald Reagan didn’t give Rahm Emanuel a big check. I understand every Republican candidate tries to compare himself to Reagan. But at the end of the day the American people are going to assess who is telling the truth. Who is, in fact, been a consistent conservative? Not has adopted conservative language on the campaign trail, but who has walked the walk. Who has stood for these principles over and over again. You know where they stand yesterday, today and tomorrow.”

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