A new ad from the Anti-Trump Political Action Committee “Make America Awesome” warns voters that Donald Trump is a bad choice – citing his past political positions.

The web-only ad, provided exclusively to Breitbart News, features a woman shopping at a store trying to pick a presidential candidate before eventually choosing the “Donald Trump” cereal box.

After returning home, she finds that when she opens the box and pours the content into her bowl it includes all of Trump’s past political support for liberal issues.

The “Make America Awesome” political action committee was founded by Republican political operatives Liz Mair–who left the Scott Walker campaign after blasting Iowa voters–and Rick Wilson to “dump Trump” by exposing his lack of conservative credentials and support of big government ideas.

“As voters finish their ‘shopping’ for a candidate, we’re highlighting that if you ‘buy’ Trump, you’ll get a lot of crap you never wanted,” Mair said in a statement to Breitbart News.

The low visual quality of the ad, Mair explained, was intentional in order to emphasize their message.

“The ad deliberately avoids the glitz and slick editing that many political ads utilize, to emphasize the stark message: Buyer beware; the Trump ‘package’ contains a lot of stuff you didn’t bank on, and you really don’t want,” she said.

Mair and Wilson are among the few Republican operatives that are publicly working against Trump – though their political action committee and on television appearances.

Mair debated conservative commentator Ann Coulter on MSNBC and Wilson recently described Trump supporters as “mostly childless single men who masturbate to anime.”

Mair and Wilson described their frustration with Republicans for not doing more to stop Trump, in a recent Buzzfeed article.

“The Republican Party’s strategy with regard to dealing with Trump is basically prayer — and that’s it,” said Mair. “I think there’s a lot of people in the party who go to bed every night and pray that our long partisan nightmare will be over. But they don’t do anything to change the equation.”

“I’ve been much more blunt in the past couple of weeks when I talk to these guys,” Wilson added. “I’ve said, Look, you guys pay me money to tell you what’s going on, and you have to start taking [Trump] seriously.”