Pastor Josh Davenport of Unionville, Iowa, has endorsed Republican presidential candidate Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY).

In a statement released Monday, one week before the important Feb. 1 Iowa caucus, Davenport said:

As we approach the 2016 Iowa Caucuses, I am publicly and formally endorsing Senator Rand Paul as my choice to be the Republican nominee for this year’s Presidential election.  I am a native Iowan and even though I am a pastor here in Iowa and have also been active within the Republican Party of Iowa from various leadership positions. I am not giving an endorsement on behalf of any church, organization, or Party committee.  I am endorsing Rand Paul because I personally believe he is the best person for the job.
 I ask you to please join me in supporting Rand Paul for President in the days and months ahead. We must reject this rock-star, popularity culture mindset and vote for someone based upon their principles.  The Bible says that “righteousness exaltheth a nation” and I can’t think of anything more nationally righteous than for us to elect a president who will fight to protect our freedom of religion and will hold to a simple Biblical view of limited government.
In a day where it seems like anyone will say anything to get anywhere, it is encouraging to see a candidate who has a proven track record of not wavering, who understands the principles that must be followed, and who has a plan to reign in the power of the government so that “We the People” can make America great again.
Davenport will join the Rand Paul for President faith leadership team, which also includes Pastor Mark Doland of Mahaska County and Rev. Brian Nolder of Pella.