“Duck Dynasty” stars Phil and Willie Robertson gave their reasons for supporting Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) and real estate mogul Donald Trump, respectively, on Monday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “Hannity.”

Phil said, “the writer of our Constitution, James Madison, said this constitution was written for a moral and religious people. It’s wholly inadequate for any other. So I just looked at Cruz. He stood out in my mind as being a moral and religious man. I thought to myself, ‘Good enough for me.’ It’s about that simple on my part.”

Willie stated, “I think our system is — honestly, I think it’s broken and I think a lot of the politicians are just more of the same, and I want somebody in there who can shake it up, who can change it up, who are not after the money, and, you know, after people telling them what to say. And I like a man who puts his money where his mouth is, and pays for his own thing, and he’s not in debt to anybody, and says, ‘Hey, I’m going to do what I’m going to do.’ I think he’s the man for the job. He’s run a business and I think, you know, so many of these people come in. They’ve never run a business. They don’t know what they’re doing when they get there, and I just like somebody who’s run a business, especially New York City. I think that’s an advantage. I think you couldn’t be that successful in New York City without having to be able to work with different kinds of people, and I think he’s done that and I think he will actually work with other people.”

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