A school teacher for the Presido, Texas, Independent School District has been arrested and charged with allegedly hiding illegal aliens in her home and keeping them as servants.

Senia Armendariz and her husband Jose “Pino” Armendariz, both of whom work for the Presidio ISD, were arrested January 19 for allegedly harboring an illegal immigrant named Brayan Ortiz- Garcia and at least four others.

According to government filings, the PISD employees provided immigrants with fraudulent documents stating they were living with parents in Presidio. The documents were then used to enroll ineligible students in local Presidio High Schools. In exchange, the couple demanded that the students serve them like domestic help, by requiring them to shop for them and cook and clean.

Apparently the case broke when Brayan Ortiz- Garcia was stopped by officials in the pedestrian lane at the Presidio Port of Entry and was subsequently questioned by authorities. He then alerted officials of what he had been doing in Presidio.

“Ortiz stated Jose Armendariz provided him with fraudulent documents stating he was living with his parents in an apartment in Presidio to provide to the Presidio High School for enrollment purposes. Ortiz stated his parents actually live in Chihuahua City, Mexico,” a DHS affidavit stated.

“Ortiz stated he stayed in the same room as Jose Armendariz. Ortiz stated he was to provide medical assistance to Jose Armendariz, undress him for bed, and do whatever else he needed at all times of night. Ortiz stated he also had to run errands for them and, on occasion, cook for them. Ortiz stated he was told to miss school on at least one occasion in order to stay at the house to provide for Jose Armendari,” the filing added.

Presidio ISD Superintendent Dennis McEntire confirmed the arrests

“We are very strong on supporting the fact that kids have to live in our district,” McEntire said. “We enforce it and enforce it seriously.”

“I expect a suspension if we hear of an arrest,” McEntire added. “We will take action appropriately but let the court proceeding play out.”

Follow Warner Todd Huston on Twitter @warnerthuston, or email the author at igcolonel@hotmail.com.