Conservative commentator and best-selling author Michelle Malkin slammed Fox News on Twitter for the network’s decision to allow someone who entered the country illegally to participate as a questioner in tomorrow night’s Republican presidential debate.

Malkin tweeted: “FoxNews debate questioner Dulce Candy was an illegal immigrant. I’m sure her q will be fair.”

“When open-borders media are in charge of debates, voters lose,” Malkin later tweeted– explaining why the interests of American victims of open borders immigration policies go largely unrepresented at presidential debates.

As Malkin highlights in her new book Sold Out: How High-Tech Billionaires & Bipartisan Beltway Crapweasels Are Screwing America’s Best & Brightest Workers, Fox News founder Rupert Murdoch is the co-chair of one of the most powerful open borders immigration lobbying firms in the country, the Partnership for a New American Economy.

As Breitbart News has previously reported, this undisclosed conflict of interest may perhaps explain the treatment GOP frontrunner Donald Trump has received from the network.

Via his immigration lobbying firm, Murdoch has endorsed Marco Rubio’s 2013 amnesty bill, as well as Rubio’s 2015 immigration expansion bill know as the Immigration Innovation Act. Murdoch has also articulated his support for Rubio’s desire to give citizenship—and, by extension, voting rights and welfare access–to illegal immigrants.

Malkin points out that while someone who entered the country illegally will be represented in the Fox News debate, American citizens harmed by the nation’s open borders immigration policies are unlikely to be represented.

“Illegal alien & Muslim activist get key roles at FoxNewsGOP debate. Victims of illegal alien crime & jihad shut out,” Malkin tweeted.

By contrast, throughout his campaign, Donald Trump has sought to give voice to the victims of illegal alien crime. As Laura Wilkerson, whose son was tortured to death by an illegal immigrant, said in her Congressional testimony last year, “I thank you, Mr. Trump, for getting a message out about the nation… that countless families like my own have been trying to say for five to six years. It feels good to be heard.”

Malkin also observed that it is unclear whether American Disney workers– who were laid off and forced to train their lower-paid H-1B foreign worker replacements–will be given a voice at upcoming GOP debates.

“Will Disney’s layoffs of US workers forced to train H-1B replacements come up at ABC News GOP debate in NH?” Malkin tweeted.

Interestingly, Disney CEO Bob Iger co-chairs the Partnership for a New American Economy along with Rupert Murdoch.

On Youtube, Dulce Candy—who will join Fox’s Megyn Kelly in submitting a question for GOP candidates tomorrow night— tells viewers how she and her family climbed fences, waded across a river, and hid from “la migra” in order to sneak across the nation’s border.

Candy described illegally entering the country as an “incredible experience” that she is glad she will be able to tell her child about one day:

It was just such an incredible experience, that I look back at now, and I feel like having that story to tell my son Isaac is going to be really, I don’t know, it’s just a nice thing. It’s not a nice thing for it to happen, but it just– I feel like it does make me to the person that I am today just because after everything that I went through and to see where my life is now.

Malkin tweeted, “An illegal border-crosser and a radical Muslim activist walk into the FoxNews GOP debate. This is not a joke.”

Malkin added, “Who is vetting FoxNews GOP questioners? Obama DHS?!?!”