Senator Ben Sasse (R-NE) stated, “The media failed to vet President Obama 2008, and right now, I don’t think the people in your profession are doing a very good job of asking Trump real questions” and that while Trump’s articulated the critique of DC politics nicely, “That’s different than knowing what he’s for” on Wednesday’s “MTP Daily” on MSNBC.

Sasse said, “I don’t think that people know what Mr. Trump stands for. He’s doing a lot of things very, very well. Washington, DC is a terribly broken place. I’ve never been in politics before. I was a college president until I ran for the US Senate last year, and I ran because I’m worried about the future of the country we’re leaving to our kids and grandkids. And all across my state, and all across the country, I hear a lot of people saying, ‘Washington is leading us the wrong way. somebody needs to pull a fire alarm about that.’ And Mr. Trump is doing a nice job of articulating that critique. That’s different than knowing what he’s for. If you actually look at his record, this is a guy who said, ‘I hate the concept of guns.'”

“This is a guy who says he’s for single-payer health care in the past,” he continued. “This is a guy who says he’s for a $6 trillion tax increase, it’d be the largest tax increase in US history. He doesn’t get many hard questions right now. The media failed to vet President Obama 2008, and right now, I don’t think the people in your profession are doing a very good job of asking Trump real questions. And the people in my town, at the grocery store, what they’re worried about — I know Chuck, there are times when you’ve taken him on. But by and large, Mr. Trump is a guy who is articulate, he’s entertaining, he’d be a great guy to have a beer with. But most people who take him on TV every day, they like him on there for the comedic value. That’s different than who’s prepared to lead the executive branch in a way that’s limited.”

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