DES MOINES, Iowa — Diamond and Silk, the African American sisters from North Carolina who “stump for Trump,” spoke at GOP frontrunner Donald Trump’s event for veterans on Thursday night, telling the crowd, “It is time for us to start voting right!”

“We know that some say this is about politics, but I come to clarify that this is not about politics. This is about commonsense. We have Donald J. Trump standing up for our veterans and our wounded warriors,” one of the sisters charged.

“We are so happy to be here tonight, and to our veterans and our wounded warriors, to my father who served in the U.S. Army…to all of the veterans and wounded warriors all around the world, we say thank you for your service,” one of the sisters said.  “Thank you for your dedication and thank you for standing up for us and fighting the fight for us. We appreciate that.”

“You know, we had a president that ran on hope and change, but our veterans don’t have any hope and some of our veterans don’t even have enough change to buy a loaf of bread – that’s a problem,” she added, saying that’s “why you should stump for Trump…because he has you in mind.”

“He is the only one that has you in mind,” she added, saying a “negotiator” and a “job creator” is “what we need.”